I first heard about Lorraine Edwards as a Chesapeake Conference Singles Retreat years ago. It was her first time speaking at a Singles Retreat and she was awesome, so down to earth and led by the Holy Spirit. She did such a wonderful job that this is our third time asking her to be our speaker for the Chesapeake Conference Singles Retreat. We are truly blessed that her calendar was open and she agreed to be our speaker. Once again, she has truly blessed us!

Something that was solidified for me is that my being happy while being single is not a bad thing. As a matter of fact, it is a good thing because I am able to do the things God wants me to do and enjoy my life. Another plus is that if you want to get married you should realize that people aer not attracted to unhappy people. Two of the main problems I had when I arrived at this year’s Virtual Spring Singles Retreat wer not spending enough time with God and His Word on my own and procrastination. I have taken on the 90-day challenge to start having more personal time with God and His Word and to remove procrastination from my life. I am so happy that I attended this retreat and that we have the recordings and handouts to review whenever needed. Lorraine has been such a blessing to me. She is phenomenal! She has helped me to realize that I can be a better person and, in the process, do more for my Heavenly Father and those He puts in my path. I have shared  the recordings with about ten people who did not attend the Retreat. I would recommend Lorraine to as many people as I possibly can. She is truly being used by God and she has a wonderful impact on others!

Susan M

I learned that people can experience the same neurotransmitter signals from friends and helping others as people experience also when married. I think I read this other places too.

I enjoyed meeting all of the people and hearing other people’s experiences.

I would recommend this speaker to many different people.

Dean K.

Group Coaching

Lorraine’s leadership in Singles Ministry has been phenomenal. Her seminars have been powerful and instrumental in bringing clarity and wisdom to singles contemplating marriage as well as fulfilling their life’s purpose. She has been spirit-led, I believe, and has shared with me godly counsel that helped me to navigate difficult relationship decisions that I had doubts about. Today, as I reflect I can see that God has used her in my life and spared me many heartaches, had I not listened. I am confident that God will continue to use her to touch the leives of singles to help them to develop strong healthy relationships and fulfill their purpose.

1:1 Coaching

I’ve decided many times that “this is my year”. This year I’m going to (insert heartfelt goal). Many years that I’ve made this declaration have come and gone. However, 2021 has been my year, and working with Lorraine was the catalyst. Lorraine helped me define my why, order my actions to support that why, and decide who I really want to BE. Lorraine is intuitive, God-connected, and consistent. Her consistency in pushing me towards, cheering me on and, holding me accountable to my commitments played an integral part in making 2021 my year! Using the strategies that she gave me, I was able to finally take and pass a professional exam that I had been putting off for years. This was a significant contributor to me getting a promotion in my company. If you need help making the necessary changes to be who God has purposed you to be, I recommend a partnership with Lorraine.

Ebony W.

Good Counsel

Hey Lorraine

The one suggestion you offered today made a world of difference. This months-long job search has been so tough. And recently I found myself skeptical of a recruiting agency that extended a nice offer of employment at a reputable company in downtown Richmond. Our conversation today speaks to the value of conversation and mental collaboration. I’m glad I had, and took, the opportunity to share my dilemma because had I not, you wouldn’t have suggested I go to the company directly to ensure the relationship between the two. To my pleasant surprise the recruiting company was legitimate and now I’m on my way to gainful employment! Thank you so much for listening and sharing your thoughts with me. It speaks the to value that comes when you stop trying to do things on your own. I had an idea but yours produced immediate results with an outstanding result.

You have always been an excellent listener and voice of reason. I always appreciate your thoughtfulness when addressing personal situations. Literally, the though you put into each word means so much because I know I can trust you to speak from an honest and caring place. You consider all perspectives and yet are very clear and direct with what you decide to say. I can’t thank you enough.


Rene W.

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